W​elcome to the online home of Christopher Previte. I am an artist, graphic designer, writer, photographer, and educator. I have enjoyed working creatively for over thirty years. In that time, I have created content and solutions in the areas of Illustration, Identity & Branding, Print & Web Design, Photography, and Event Media. My current practice explores themes of loss, responsibility, and impermanence through storytelling. I believe that art and design should be adaptable and nimble and that the best solutions are platform agnostic.

A​dditionally, I fell in love with teaching over nineteen years ago. I truly enjoy the level of joy and infectious energy I feel from helping to create a collaborative and creative space where learning, progress, and hard work take place. I have taught and developed many courses including Digital Illustration and Image Creation, Data Visualization, UX and Web Design, Digital Storytelling, and Visual Literacy.

On my education page, you will find the work of my amazing students.